The Confidence Club | June 10, 2023

Listening to Your Inner Voice

Have you ever found yourself facing a tough decision and not knowing which way to go? We all have those moments when we wish we had a little more clarity or guidance. Well, imagine having a trusted friend right there with you, ready to offer wisdom and insight. That’s the power of listening to your inner voice.

In this month’s Confidence Club, guest speaker Karla McDay will dive into the fascinating world of self-reflection and self-discovery, where you will learn practical techniques to connect with that little voice inside you. You will learn how to tune in and really hear what your inner voice is trying to tell you. Whether it’s about your career, relationships, or even just navigating life’s everyday challenges, your inner voice is like your personal life coach, always ready to lend a helping hand.

About Karla McDay

Karla McDay

Karla D. McDay is the founder and executive director of Harmony House, a homeless shelter for youth aged 18 to 26 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Summit County. The program was established in 2009 and is operated by an African American board of professionals with expertise in social work, law, accounting, education, non-profit program management, and government contracts. Harmony House opened its first four-bed shared living home in 2014.

Today, the program has over 50 beds of homeless shelter, five shared living homes, and six one-bedroom apartments. The program is funded by the City of Akron, Summit County Public Health, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and local community foundations. Ms. McDay is a licensed independent social worker, tireless advocate for youth experiencing housing insecurity, mental health therapist, and proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

Saturday, June 10, 2023,  11 a.m. (ET)

Learn more about the Confidence Club here.

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